Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Ugly Betty Teeth

OK, the ugly pictures are here and available!!!!!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Okay.....Maybe Not

Okay so I didn't get my braces yesterday but I did get 7 spacer on my top teeth. The spacers are rubber bands stuck in between my teeth. OOOOOOOO.....They are sore! Next Thursday I am getting my top braces on. I am so excited!!! Before I get them on I will take 1 ugly picture of my teeth so you can see the change.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Just Checking Up

I know I keep saying this but, I really keep forgetting to blog. Any Who... I just want to give you guys a check up on my life! First my family and Corina (our not so adopted, sister) went down to Redding, CA last week for 4 hot days. We brought the travel trailer. We spent 10 squished hours there and 10 squished hour back. Thanks Matt and Lindsay for having us over that was a lot of fun!!!!!! I am excited you moved there. Thanks for the ice cream!!!!!!

I am finely getting my BRACES on the 15th of May at 10:00am! If you want to come celebrate with me come on over (LOL) :) :) :) I can not wait! I think I am only getting my molds and stuff like that on that day and then I come back for work.

We are getting ready for Taelor's 13th birthday its the big birthday! Purity ring time. If I can remember I will post some pics of it! She is really excited about it. Taelor loves parties so she has a list of items, food and guest invited all ready.

In July the our youth/teen group is all going down to Redding for Jesus Culture. The first day we are going to the water park then the next days we are going to the conference it will be a lot of fun! I think a total of 25 people are going but we will see what happens. We are having tons of fundraisers and if you want to sponsor a teen (like me!!!) please let me know. We are having raffles, candy sales, car washes and anything else we can think of. We have lots planned. You can check it out, the website is

I will try and remember to keep you guys updated!
P.S Not sure why the date is off but I posted on the 14th.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Davis Family

We had a friend die recently, he was a great friend and my Jet-Ski-Buddy! He was the first person to let me drive it and he was the one who taught me how to drive them. All the tricks! I threw him off a couple of times, he was a little scared!!!! Thanks So Much, Josh!!!! We will miss you so much. My heart goes out to all his family and close friends. I am sure Hayleigh will miss him bunches.
For those who do not know, how he died, he drowned in Puerto Rico on Monday, March 24th. They held the service on Saturday, April 5th at 11 a.m in Camas. It was great to see some old friends/"family". It makes me miss them more since they are not in my life anymore. It is a strange thing to see how people change - - I guess they say the same about me. They say something like "You have gotten taller...", "You look older...""You have changed..." Guess what? You are right, I have!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

I have not blogged for ever I really forget about this kind of stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need to get better!!!!!!!!

Well, for starters, our church has been in a school for 3 weeks at a today has been our big day it was so awsome!!! But first last week was our offical day and my Grandma who does not believe in speaking in tongues or healing or any of that got slain in the Spirit!!!!! She recived speaking in tonges and she saw Jesus' face and He told her everthing would be allright! She was out for most of the service and was very excited!!!!!! This week we had more people come and that was very exciting seeing everthing grow and the Holy Spirit moving! Two people also got new tongues, one got a really cool prophesy.
I can't wait till we have a building of our own. God has just moving in so many ways. There is a lot happening and we have a great bunch of people around.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Most Important

One of my favorite part of the day, my quilt, my mom MADE with no pattern, no way to know if she is doing it right. I would like to thank you for working sooooo hard to make and design the beautiful quilt!


After we opened presents we went sleding up at Paridise Peak

The Reveal

He is Going to reveal the Present Now. By the way, if have not noticed that he is the one driving OUR new toy, lol

Christmas Morning

Our thing is we can not get up before 4am and we can open only our stockings. So I got up at 6:45 while everbody else except Matt got up at 5:00, Matt didn't get til 7. Matt had something really big for us kids! The thing behind him. Hmm

The Fight is ON

The Fight

Christmas Eve Eve

For Christmas my Cousin Matt came up from Texas (via the long loop) we were soooooooo excited that he came! (Thank you for coming Matt) That night, which was Christmas Eve Eve we had Chritmas Eve Eve dinner with my grandparents, we also had a fight..........Wrapping Paper Fight.

Christmas Tree gettin

This is really late!!!!!!!

We went to get a tree at Shorty-B's U-Cut Christmas Trees. My dad had Garrett cut the tree while us girls cheered for him. (He got really annoyed at us!) After he was done my dad stole the the saw and had mom take quick picture as if he cut the whole tree! It was super hilarious! Of course, the next picture is of Taelor's kissy lips which are always protruding.