Monday, May 5, 2008

Just Checking Up

I know I keep saying this but, I really keep forgetting to blog. Any Who... I just want to give you guys a check up on my life! First my family and Corina (our not so adopted, sister) went down to Redding, CA last week for 4 hot days. We brought the travel trailer. We spent 10 squished hours there and 10 squished hour back. Thanks Matt and Lindsay for having us over that was a lot of fun!!!!!! I am excited you moved there. Thanks for the ice cream!!!!!!

I am finely getting my BRACES on the 15th of May at 10:00am! If you want to come celebrate with me come on over (LOL) :) :) :) I can not wait! I think I am only getting my molds and stuff like that on that day and then I come back for work.

We are getting ready for Taelor's 13th birthday its the big birthday! Purity ring time. If I can remember I will post some pics of it! She is really excited about it. Taelor loves parties so she has a list of items, food and guest invited all ready.

In July the our youth/teen group is all going down to Redding for Jesus Culture. The first day we are going to the water park then the next days we are going to the conference it will be a lot of fun! I think a total of 25 people are going but we will see what happens. We are having tons of fundraisers and if you want to sponsor a teen (like me!!!) please let me know. We are having raffles, candy sales, car washes and anything else we can think of. We have lots planned. You can check it out, the website is

I will try and remember to keep you guys updated!
P.S Not sure why the date is off but I posted on the 14th.


Matt and Lindsay said...

What do you mean?! I gave all your money back! :) - Matt

Anyway, we had fun having you guys. We love your family! We look forward to another hang out time!

Corina said...

SAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!! Its boots!!! hello check out my blog new stuff!!! tell the gang I said hi.